10 Tips for Soft, Glowing Winter Skin

Winter can cause a slew of skincare issues for even the healthiest, vibrant skin. Dry air coupled with low humidity and cold temps sap moisture from your skin, leaving it dry, cracking and dull. Proper care can help soothe these symptoms and even help prevent some from occurring. Try these tips to reduce chapping, itching, irritation and dryness this winter!

  1. Cool it down. It may seem relaxing to take steaming hot showers and baths, but these extreme temps strip your skin of oils leaving it depleted and itchy. Choose a moderate temperature for baths and showers, and keep them short. Lastly, take a few minutes immediately afterward to coat your body in moisturizer. This will keep your skin protected and locks in the moisture from the shower or bath.
  2. Keep your hands and face covered with mittens and gloves to protect your skin from wind, rain and snow. In addition, don’t forget the SPF. Even though the sun doesn’t feel hot, the damaging rays can still impact your skin. Find an SPF suitable for your skin type and apply it to your skin after your favorite lotion.
  3. Turn up the humidity. When the airs dries out, so does your skin. A humidifier will help add moisture back to your skin. Bonus, it helps soothe the symptoms of any winter colds.
  4. Lips can crack and become chapped very easily in winter. Apply a rich balm to soothe and help heal and replenish the thinner skin. Our Restorative Skin Balm is fantastic at hydrating your lips and if you get cracks on the edges of your mouth, it helps repair those too.
  5. Treat your hands to some TLC. Dishes, handwashing, and cleaning all can contribute to dryness and chapping. Wear gloves for cleaning and washing dishes to protect your hands from harsh cleansers. Another tip, apply a rich hand cream or balm along with cotton gloves, allowing the emollients to soak in while you sleep.
  6. Drink up. Stay hydrated on the inside too. Lots of water and even caffeine free tea will refresh and hydrate you. Foods with a high water content like cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, celery, and carrots help you stay hydrated.
  7. Swap out your cleanser. What worked in the heat of summer might not be suitable for winter skin. Switching from a foamy gel cleanser to a creamy non foaming formula will remove makeup and impurities without stripping your skin of its natural oils.
  8. Are your feet and heels snagging the sheets? Our Intensive Foot & Heel Repair works almost instantly to soften cracked feet and heels. Apply nightly and after a shower or bath for feet that are soft and smooth.
  9. Applying moisturizer to flaky skin minimizes its effectiveness. Use a washcloth to gently polish your skin, removing flakes and prepping it for your favorite lotion or body oil. I love sweet almond oil for its scent, sheen and ability to moisturize. Apply it right after your shower, your skin will thank you!
  10. Seek the specialist. A few times a year, it’s a nice treat to take some time for a professional facial. The esthetician will evaluate your skin and help determine your skin care needs. It also is a great way to relax with the stress of the holiday season.